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Amber Interactive Center Features Distinctive “Brain-Inspired” Tensile Structure From Birdair, Inc.

design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric…

Birdair, Inc. Wins 2012 IFAI Outstanding Achievement Award

…as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural…

Birdair Receives Award for Outstanding Achievement in Facades at 75th Annual IFAI International Achievement Awards

…full-service design-build contractor for tensile architecture, Birdair features a comprehensive range of pre-construction services including design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project schedule development. Birdair’s in-house capabilities include design development,…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at Hospitality Design Expo 2010

…scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC…

Birdair, Inc Unveils New Booth Design, TensothermTM Product at AIA Expo 2008

…new booth served to further educate the architectural community on Birdair’s capabilities as a full- service specialty contractor that offers full design and engineering assistance and solutions throughout the design-build…

Birdair Hosts Roundtable Discussion at Stadia Design & Technology Expo North America

…as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at Stadia Design & Technology Expo North America

…provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC and Tensotherm™….

Birdair’s TensoSky® ETFE Film to Greet Travelers at JFK International Airport’s New Terminal One

…as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, fabrication, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at Stadia Design & Technology Expo North America

…project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film,…

World Cup Venue to Feature Birdair’s PTFE Membrane, ETFE Film and Tensotherm™ – Insulated Tensioned Membrane

…Al-Handasah as the design consultant, the renovated stadium will have a unique, modern design and aesthetic, containing a combination of three major product lines for the roof system: PTFE fiberglass…

Birdair’s TensoSky® ETFE Film to Add Style to Skylights at University Rec Center

…largest African American-owned design firm in the country; ROSSETTI, a Detroit-based collective of studios with expertise in architecture, planning, interiors and analytics; Arup, a global collective of designers, consultants and…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at AIA Expo 2010

…advancements in the field of architecture. The 2010 convention theme is “Design for the New Decade,” and will focus on a variety of topics related to building design, city design