Medical Center Welcomes ETFE Cushions for its Skylight Location: Hobart, AustraliaFabric Type: ETFE FilmMarket Sector: InstitutionalProject Size: 3,000 square feetArchitect: FB & P ArchitectsOwner: Department of Health and Human ServicesGeneral Contractor: Vos Construction and Joinery PTY LTDCompletion Date: 2011 Instead of glass for a typical skylight, ETFE film is a durable and lightweight option to help create transparent
Instead of glass for a typical skylight, ETFE film is a durable and lightweight option to help create transparent lighting into the space below. Whether ETFE is used in a multi-layered pneumatic system or a single-layer system renforced with cables, it's being considered the material of choice for traditional skylight applications to long span structures to building facades. This medical center is a great example of how ETFE can be used in a skylight application.