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Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at AIA Expo 2010

world-wide experience and the extraordinary potential of tensile architecture.” The AIA Expo brings together architects, contractors and building industry professionals to display a wide variety of new products, services and…

Birdair Beautifies Atrium of Existing School of Architecture Building at University of Florida with Next-Generation Roofing System

…all different. Our pin–based sliding connections minimized bending moments being transposed into the building.” “We’re excited about the result – a brand–new skylight system ready to welcome all who visit…

Birdair Hosts Roundtable Discussion at Stadia Design & Technology Expo North America

…membrane structures throughout the world, will host a roundtable discussion on stadia renovation on Wednesday, May 9 at the Stadia Design and Technology Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center….

Birdair, Inc. Receives 2010 IFAI International Award of Excellence

…roofing systems and tensile structures throughout the world, has received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) for its work on Moses Mabhiba Stadium. Located in…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at Expo Cihac 2009

…process. “Birdair structures can be seen in use all over the world, from convention centers to world-class stadiums,” explains Michele Roth, marketing manager for Birdair. “Expo Cihac provides us with…

Gran Carpa Catedral Topped with Birdair’s PVC Membrane

new unique roof using PVC membrane. Published: January 21, 2015 Some churches have steeples. Some have wooden roofs, while others have metal. But The Gran Carpa Catedral, a church and…

Birdair Builds Replica Canopy for Pritzker Architecture Prize Ceremony

…design. Birdair was honored to design and build the canopy for the ceremony, which took place in Miami Beach at the New World Center, a venue designed by 1989 Pritzker…

Niagara Outlet Collection Shoppers Protected by Birdair Canopies

Niagara Outlet Collection Shoppers Protected by Birdair Canopies Toronto bargain hunters and visitors to Niagara have a new reason to shop in Canada. Published: July 15, 2014 Opened May 15,…

Birdair, Inc. to Attend Greenbuild International Conference and Expo 2008

the leading specialty contractor of lightweight long-span roofing systems and tensile structures throughout the world, will attend the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, November 19-21 at the Boston Convention and…

Birdair, Inc. Continues to Score with University of Phoenix Stadium

…of 104,346 square feet (9,690 sq. meters) of translucent woven fiberglass fabric. The structure was designed in accordance with the requirements of world renowned architect Peter Eisenman, architect for the

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at IAAPA Attractions Expo 2009

…tensile structures throughout the world, will exhibit at the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Expo 2009, November 16–20, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV….

Cowboys Stadium Scores With Fabric Membrane Roofing from Birdair, Inc.

…largest operable glass door in the world, and two spectacular 180-foot-long HD video screens. The retractable roof measures 148,000 square feet and is designed to open or close in just…