168 results found for: Дизайн Человека Виктория Джем Топ Рейтинга номер 1 Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design metahd.ru

Birdair’s Flying-Masted Tensotherm™ Roof Helps Revitalize Jones Beach Boardwalk Café

…daylight, enhanced temperature control, remarkable acoustics and innovative sustainability. A full-service design-build contractor for tensile architecture, Birdair features a comprehensive range of pre-construction services including design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies…

Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Features Tensile Membrane Fabric Roof From Birdair, Inc.

…world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance….

Cowboys Stadium Scores With Fabric Membrane Roofing from Birdair, Inc.

…specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all…

Birdair has World Cup Stadiums Covered

…provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC and Tensotherm™….

Birdair Lights Up Charlotte Skyline with ETFE System Atop Legacy Union

design-build contractor for tensile architecture, Birdair features a comprehensive range of pre-construction services including design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project schedule development. Birdair’s in-house capabilities include design development, engineering,…

Birdair, Inc. Receives 2010 IFAI International Award of Excellence

…the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and…

Birdair, Inc. to Sponsor University of Buffalo Architecture Lecture

…custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project…

Iconic Birdair Canopy Inspired by the Northern Lights

…such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of…

Birdair, Inc. Completes Haddad Riverfront Park Project

…of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of…

Baylor University’s McLane Stadium Scores an Extra Point with Birdair

…methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass,…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at IAAPA Attractions Expo 2008

…addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company…

Birdair, Inc. partners with Cabot Corporation and Geiger Engineers to offer TensothermTM, a breakthrough fabric membrane.

…of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of…