168 results found for: Дизайн Человека Виктория Джем Топ Рейтинга номер 1 Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design metahd.ru

Birdair, Inc. Awarded First TensothermTM Project at Dedmon Center at Radford University

…the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and…

A Contest of Wills: The Georgia Dome’s Fabric Membrane Roof vs. 100-mph Tornado Winds

…contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects…

Birdair Offers Fabric Membrane Cool Roof Opportunities

…tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design,…

Talisman Centre Receives TensothermTM with Nanogel® Roofing System from Birdair, Inc.

…provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC and Tensotherm™….

MakMax Australia Launches Industry Leading Website

…budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including…

Birdair, Inc. Establishes Presence in Brazil with “Taiyo Birdair do Brasil, Ltda”

…addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company…

Providing Solutions to Challenging Structural Concepts

…structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering,…

Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway

…to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers…

Tensile Cladding: Alive with Color

…Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC and…

Best of the US 2016 – Birdair, Inc.

…budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including…

Birdair’s New Service & Maintenance Brochure Highlights Company’s Extensive In-House Capabilities

…of pre-construction services including design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project schedule development. Birdair’s in-house capabilities include design development, engineering, fabrication, construction (installation) and service and warranty services. For more…

Birdair, Inc. to Retrofit Metrodome Roof

…budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including…