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Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at ASLA Meeting & Exposition 2009

…such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of…

The Minneapolis Metrodome Sports a New Roof From Birdair, Inc.

…leading specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in…

Birdair, Inc.’s TiO2 coated tensile fabric membrane arrives in North American custom architectural roofing market

…the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and…

Birdair Canopies to Add Even More Beauty at Ka’anapali Beach Club

…In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The…

Birdair Contributes Once More to Denver International Airport

…the leading specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions…

Striking Birdair Roof atop Sharm el Sheikh International Airport breaks new architectural ground in Middle East

…throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation…

Birdair Restructures North American Workforce

…budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including…

Birdair, Inc. Opens Engineering Office in Guadalajara, Mexico

…such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of…

Birdair, Inc. Offers Architectural Umbrellas for Exterior Shading Applications

…the leading specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at IAAPA Attractions Expo 2009

…is the leading specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build…

Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium To Feature Tensile Membrane Roofing From Birdair

…provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC and Tensotherm™….

Building a Showstoppin Structure in Clearwater

Birdair was awarded the design-build contract for the Imagine Clearwater Amphitheater, a 4,000-seat covered outdoor venue in Clearwater, Fla., that will feature a free span tensile membrane roofing system that…