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Birdair Wins Piscina Olympica Retrofit Roofing Contract

…Inc. was awarded the Piscina Olympica roofing subcontract to remove the existing roof, install the new perimeter clamping and to install the PTFE roof. The aquatic facility features an Olympic-sized…

Mexico City Shopping Center Signs Contract for Birdair Tensile Structures

…Mexico. Birdair was awarded the design-build contract for the new retail destination in the Coyoacan section of Mexico City. The facility will receive five custom tensile structures comprised of 162,247…

Birdair Modular Structures Create Open, Airy Event Space at South Bend Convention Center

…says Lamie. “Many have commented that the Pavilion has been a great investment for the community and it will encourage new development in the area.” The Century Center Convention Center…

Birdair Roof tops University of Louisville Soccer Stadium

the PTFE membrane, structural supporting steel, and clamping system. Athletic programs, particularly soccer, at the University of Louisville have enjoyed a lot of success, paving the way for a new,…

Birdair, Inc.’s TiO2 coated tensile fabric membrane arrives in North American custom architectural roofing market

…of the new coating material were described by Jeffrey Carpenter, Birdair project engineer: “TiO2 is a photocatalyst. It uses the sun’s UV radiation, along with the oxygen and water vapor…

Birdair Offers Fabric Membrane Cool Roof Opportunities

…is ready for the market,” says Marcel Dery, Architectural Marketing Manager at Saint- Gobain. The market is ready for the product, as well; Birdair, Inc. partners with Saint-Gobain to supply…

Gators Upgrade to Next-Generation Material

When the atrium at the University of Florida School of Architecture needed an upgrade, Birdair answered the call.We designed and built a new TensoSky® ETFE film roofing system to cover…

Birdair Honored by IFAI for Kuwait Stadium Roof System

…temperatures regularly exceed 130° Fahrenheit. About Birdair: Birdair, Inc. is the leading specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance,…

Amber Interactive Center Features Distinctive “Brain-Inspired” Tensile Structure From Birdair, Inc.

…California Norte and Federal Government of Mexico. As a full-service specialty contractor, Birdair offers complete design-build solutions, and has completed more than 1,300 tensile architecture installations worldwide. Learn more at…

La Plata Stadium Receives IABSE Outstanding Structure Award

…of structural engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society. For more information, visit: http://www.iabse.org/. As a full-service specialty contractor, Birdair offers complete design assistance and solutions throughout…

Plaza Las Américas Welcomes Shoppers with Tensile Roofing From Birdair, Inc.

…Mexico. As a full-service specialty contractor, Birdair offers complete design-build solutions, and has completed more than 1,200 tensile architecture installations worldwide. Learn more at www.birdair.com. Teflon® is a registered trademark…

Providing Solutions to Challenging Structural Concepts

…structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering,…