168 results found for: Дизайн Человека Виктория Джем Топ Рейтинга номер 1 Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design metahd.ru

Birdair, Inc. Project Receives 2010 AIA 25-Year Award

…assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes,…

Birdair Ranked on ENR’s Top 600 Specialty Contractors List

…and can be viewed online at www.enr.com. As a full-service specialty contractor, Birdair offers complete design build assistance and solutions throughout the design-build process, and has completed more than 1,300…

Birdair Structure with PTFE and Photovoltaic Panels Provides Shade and Power for Staten Island Children’s Museum

…scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC…

Historic Estadio Mineirão Receives a Modern Transformation with Birdair Roof

…and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE…

New Birdair Canopy Sets the Stage

…specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all…

Birdair, Inc. Hires Three; Expands Sales and Marketing, Finance Departments

…expanding its finance department. As a full-service specialty contractor, Birdair offers complete design and engineering assistance and solutions throughout the design-build process. Visit www.birdair.com to learn more. About Birdair: Birdair,…

Design Details

Birdair, Inc. Awarded Talisman Centre Roofing Contract

design and engineering assistance and solutions throughout the design-build process, and has completed more than 1,200 tensile architecture installations worldwide. TensothermTM is a patent pending product of Birdair, Inc. Download…

Birdair, Inc. Co-Sponsors Architectural Lecture at the University of Buffalo

…addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company…

New Conical Canopies from Birdair Welcome Visitors to San Diego Airport’s New Car Rental Center

…addition to pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company…

Birdair, Inc. Supervises S3 Cricket Stadium Construction

…pre-construction services such as design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a…

Birdair, Inc. Offers Customers Comprehensive Service and Support Options Long After their Projects are Complete

…and project scheduling, Birdair provides design-build solutions in all aspects of project design, engineering, installation and maintenance. The company offers a selection of architectural fabric membranes, including PTFE fiberglass, ETFE…