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Birdair, Inc. Awarded First TensothermTM Project at Dedmon Center at Radford University

the decision to go with Birdair again a couple years ago when we foresaw that the roof would need to be replaced soon.” Unlike the original roof, this new roof…

Birdair, Inc. Establishes Presence in Brazil with “Taiyo Birdair do Brasil, Ltda”

…region is ripe with sustainable architecture projects that can support these world-class events.” About Birdair: Birdair, Inc. is the leading specialty contractor of custom tensile structures throughout the world. In…

Birdair, Inc. Awarded Haddad Riverfront Park Contract

…lightweight long-span roofing systems and tensile structures throughout the world, has been awarded the design-build contract to supply roof and façade cladding systems for the Haddad Riverfront Park’s new development…

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at Build Boston 2008 Trade Show and Convention

…roofing systems and tensile structures throughout the world, will exhibit at the 24th annual Build Boston Trade Show and Convention, November 18-20, at Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, MA….

Birdair, Inc. to Exhibit at AIA Expo 2009

…contractor of lightweight long-span roofing systems and tensile structures throughout the world, will exhibit at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) National Convention and Design Exposition April 30–May 2, 2009…

Birdair Enhances Fan and Player Experience at Parmer Pond Grandstands with Eye-Catching PTFE Mesh Façade Panels

Birdair Enhances Fan and Player Experience at Parmer Pond Grandstands with Eye-Catching PTFE Mesh Façade Panels Grandstands at new practice field for Major League Soccer’s Austin FC feature series of…

Birdair Canopies Enhance Niagara Falls’ Hornblower Ticketing Plaza

Birdair Canopies Enhance Niagara Falls’ Hornblower Ticketing Plaza When guests board a Hornblower Niagara cruise for a tour of one of the seven forgotten natural wonders of the world, Birdair’s…

Birdair, Inc. Launches AIA CES Course on The Continuing Architect

Birdair, Inc. Launches AIA CES Course on The Continuing Architect “Defying Gravity With Tensile Architecture” Offered in New Online Format Published: June 01, 2010 Birdair, Inc., the leading specialty contractor…

MakMax Australia Launches Industry Leading Website

…old MakMax site include improved graphics and readability plus more product specific content including more than 160 downloadable files in the Members Area. New Content: The Profile menu features new

Birdair’s Tensotherm Product Chosen for University Athletic Facility

Birdair’s Tensotherm Product Chosen for University Athletic Facility The university’s John J. Dillon Field House in the Knott Athletic Recreation Convocation Complex (ARCC) will soon feature a new 30,300 square-foot…

Birdair, Inc. partners with Cabot Corporation and Geiger Engineers to offer TensothermTM, a breakthrough fabric membrane.

…in partnership with Cabot Corporation and Geiger Engineers, will produce the new material offering the same grace and flexibility of Birdair’s renowned tensile roofing fabrics, but with the added benefits…

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex to Feature Tensile Canopies From Birdair, Inc.

…1.5 million visitors annually. Birdair, Inc., the leading specialty contractor of tensile structures throughout the world, will serve as the design-build roofing subcontractor for the addition of two custom PTFE…